Dacă studii economice - atunci la ASEM

Pe 23 aprilie,  în cadrul Academiei de Studii Economice a Moldovei, s-a desfăşurat Forul Economic Internaţional „Free Market RoadShow 2018”, eveniment ajuns la cea de-a XI-a ediţie, întitulat sugestiv ”Let’s talk about European values!”, organizat de GEN Moldova - Global Entrepreneurship Network Moldova, cu suportul Fundaţiei Friedrich Naumann pentru Libertate și ASEM.

Primul panel s-a referit la valori. Speakeri Anders Ydstedt (Advisor at Scantech Strategy Advisors and Chairman of Svensk Tidskrift), Cris Lingle (Visiting Professor of Economics at Universidad Francisco Marroquín in Guatemala), Federico Fernández (President of Fundación Internacional Bases, Argentina and Senior Fellow with the Austrian Economics Center), Daniel Kaddik (Director of the Southeast Europe office of Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom)

Panel 2 – Antreprenoriat Social. Speakeri: Rebecca Palmer (EntreLaunch founder, Startup Nations Finalist), Andre Abi Awad (Entreprenergy, Coach), Houssem E. Touil (World Bank coach and Entrepreneur and Technological Enabler), Romina Diaz Machco (Coach and Trainer), Silvia Solonari (Entrepreneur and youth builder).