Dacă studii economice - atunci la ASEM

Burse Erasmus+ disponibile pentru ASEM
Oferta de burse va fi actualizată pe măsura ce apar noi oportunități de mobilitate!
Ciclul I European Humanities University, Vilnius, Lithuania Semestrul I
anul academic 2018-2019
Micolas Romerio University, Vilnius, Lithuania
(Zero grant!!!)   
Semestrul I
anul academic 2018-2019
Personal academic (predare) Micolas Romerio University, Vilnius, Lithuania Mai – iunie, 2018
Oferta de burse va fi actualizată pe măsura
ce apar noi oportunități de mobilitate!


European Humanities University, Vilnius, Lithuania
University Name European Humanities University, Vilnius, Lithuania
University Web Page http://ru.ehu.lt/
Field of Study Political sciences
Type of mobility Bachelor (5 months)
Required documents
  1. Request for application student
  2. Passport
  3. CV (Europas)
  4. Learning Agreement (filled in with information on the student and the home university, in the section Before the mobility – Table A and signed by the student and the home university (in the section Commitment)
  5. Transcript of records from your home university – bachelor level (original and authorized translation into English)
  6. Proof of registration as a student, issued by your home university, which confirms your level and year of study during the current academic year and the expected date of graduation (original and authorized translation into English/ certificate issued in English)
  7. Language certificate (Russian and English are the languages of instruction); internationally recognized certificates will be preferred to those issued by universities or other language centres
  8. Motivation letter
  9. Declaration stating if the candidate has carried out any Erasmus+ mobility before (if so, please mention the period of the mobility and the host institution)
These documents must be sent in PDF format and in original to Office for International Relations, Office 604B, Building B) to the following email:
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Eligibility criteria
  1. Students at the Bachelor level (I/II year)
  2. Students with good academic record
  3. Students who are highly motivated
Language Requirements Exchange students are expected to demonstrate Russian and English proficiency corresponding to at least B2 level of the Common European Language Framework of Reference.
Selection Process Students will pass the selection in their home institution and will be further nominated.
Deadline April 30, 2018
Micolas Romerio University, Vilnius, Lithuania
Staff mobility
Places for staff 1
Eligible staff category Academic staff
Type of mobility Staff mobility for teaching
Duration of mobility 1 week (7 days, including travel)
Financial support 100 eur/day * 7 days for individual support + 275 eur top-up amount to support in covering tavel costs (based on distance between Balti and Vilnius, which is 791.72 km according to the Erasmus+ distance calculator ). A total scholarship for staff member is 975 eur.
Appropriate mobility periods from May till June 2018,
Deadlines and requirements
  1. Request for application staff
  2. Passport
  3. CV (Europas)
  4. Program for teaching and description of expected activities
  5. Motivation letter
Deadline – April 30, 2018
Student mobility
Places for students 2
Eligible study cycles Bachelor (at least 2 year), Master or Doctoral students
Type of mobility Student mobility for studies
Duration of mobility 6 months
Financial support ZERO GRANT!!!
Additional information

0-grant Erasmus+ student may be supported by any other source of funding (from Moldovan institution side, for example, or simply be a self-funding student).

All information useful for incoming students or those who are interested to apply for exchange period is in our web-site: http://www.mruni.eu/en/prospective_students/erasmus/

Students may choose courses from the List of courses which are available to incoming exchange students ( an aggregated list from all English-taught study programmes): THE LIST for 2018-2019

Doctoral students may choose a course from the above list as close as possible to a topic of their doctoral dissertation that a relevant professor could be available for consultations. Doctoral student would be provided with access to MRU LAB doctoral students space and will be welcome to join any lectures of visiting professors, of course.

Deadlines and requirements
  1. Request for application student
  2. Passport
  3. CV (Europas)
  4. Learning Agreement (filled in with information on the student and the home university, in the section Before the mobility – Table A and signed by the student and the home university (in the section Commitment)
  5. Transcript of records from your home university – bachelor level (original and authorized translation into English)
  6. Proof of registration as a student, issued by your home university, which confirms your level and year of study during the current academic year and the expected date of graduation (original and authorized translation into English/ certificate issued in English)
  7. Language certificate (English is the languages of instruction); internationally recognized certificates will be preferred to those issued by universities or other language centres)
  8. Motivation letter
  9. Declaration stating if the candidate has carried out any Erasmus+ mobility before (if so, please mention the period of the mobility and the host institution)

These documents must be sent in PDF format and in original to Office for International Relations, Office 604B, Building B) to the following email:
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Deadline - April 30, 2018