Dacă studii economice - atunci la ASEM



În atenția studenților anului II și cadrelor didactice ale ASEM!!!

ASEM organizează runda de selecție a studenților care vor beneficia de burse de studii în cadrul programului de mobilitate academică Erasmus+ în anul academic 2017-2018 (semestrul II).

Programul Erasmus+ oferă studenților selectați posibilitatea de a studia un semestru la una dintre universitățile partenere din Europa.
Beneficiile unei experiențe Erasmus+

Experiența dobândită pe durata mobilității facilitează angajarea și dezvoltarea carierei, oferă posibilitatea aprofundării și a învățării unei limbi străine, stimulează dobândirea unor competențe interculturale și acumularea de informații de specialitate, permite contactele cu un nou mediu academic, cu profesorii și colegi din universitatea-gazdă cât și descoperirea unui nou spațiu cultural.

Studenții Erasmus+ au posibilitatea de a fi “ambasadori” ai universității și țării lor, de a acționa și de a decide pe cont propriu, de a dobândi experiență academică și de a-și face prieteni noi, din țări diferite.

Etapele selecției:
  1. Depunerea dosarului de selecție a candidatului la Serviciul Relații Externa, ASEM, Biroul 604B
  2. Interviul de selecție și testul la limba străină:
    Data susținerii interviului și testul de limba străină va fi stabilită după pre-selecția în baza dosarelor de participare la concurs.
    Testul va fi susținut la limba engleză/spaniolă/italiană/franceză, în funcție de destinația pentru care optează studentul.
  3. Anunțarea rezultatelor selecției
Punctajul va fi calculat în felul următor:
  • Media generală a rezultatelor academice obţinute până la ultima sesiune, inclusive: 50% din punctaj
  • Competenţe lingvistice în limba engleză/spaniolă/italiană/franceză: 30% din punctaj
  • Interviu: 20% din punctaj
Condiţii de participare la selecţia pentru mobilitățile Erasmus+ de studiu:
  • Studenții de la ciclul licență, secția zi – anul II (toate specialitățile)
  • Studenții de la masterat, doctorat (secția zi); cu rezultate academice bune (în cazul masteranzilor se va avea în vedere şi media anilor de studii pentru ciclul de studii de licenţă deja încheiat);
  • Studenții care au o cunoaștere bună a limbii străine în care se predă la universitatea-gazdă, nivelul B1 (conform Cadrului European Comun de Referință pentru Limbi).
  • Candidaţii care deţin un certificat de competenţă lingvistică în care se precizează punctajul obţinut de student, vor primi o notă echivalentă acestui punctaj, care va fi luată în considerare la calculul mediei generale a selecţiei. Nota echivalentă punctajului din certificatul de competenţă lingvistică va fi stabilită de profesorul de limba engleză, respectiv, de limba spaniolă, italiană, franceză.
Universităţile partenere pentru mobilităţile Erasmus+ de studiu în anul universitar 2017-2018 sunt după cum urmează:
2. Alma Mater Studiorum – Universita di Bologna, Italia
University Name Alma Mater Studiorum – Universita di Bologna, Italia
University Web Page http://www.unibo.it/it
Field of Study All
Type of mobility Master/Doctorate (5 months)
Required documents
  1. ID and passport
  2. CV (Europas)
  3. Learning Agreement (filled in with information on the student and the home university, in the section Before the mobility – Table A and signed by the student and the home university (in the section Commitment)
  4. Transcript of records from your home university – bachelor level (original and authorized translation into English)
  5. Proof of registration as a student, issued by your home university, which confirms your level and year of study during the current academic year and the expected date of graduation (original and authorized translation into English/ certificate issued in English)
  6. Language certificate (for the language of instruction of the respective study programme in the host university); internationally recognized certificates will be preferred to those issued by universities or other language centres
  7. Motivation letter (to be filled in online, in the application form)
  8. Declaration stating if the candidate has carried out any Erasmus+ mobility before (if so, please mention the period of the mobility and the host institution)
These documents must be sent in PDF format to your home University (Office for International Relations, Office 604B, Building B) to the following email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Application Procedure The selected candidates will have to fill in the online application procedure
Eligibility criteria For Students
  1. Students at the Master/ Doctorate levels
  2. Students at all fields of study
  3. Students with good academic record
  4. Students who are highly motivated
Language Requirements Exchange students are expected to demonstrate Italian/English proficiency corresponding to at least B1 level of the Common European Language Framework of Reference.
Selection Process Students will pass the selection in their home institution and will be further nominated.
Deadline October 25, 2017
3. D.A. Tsenov Academy of Economics, Svishtov, Bulgaria
Student mobility
Places for students 1
Eligible study cycles Bachelor (at least 2 year), Master or Doctoral students
Type of mobility Student mobility for studies
Duration of mobility 4 months
Financial support 4 months x 750 euro per month individual grant + 275 euro travel grant = 3000 + 180 = 3180 euro
Start date of the semester 26 February 2018
End date of the semester (incl. exam sessions) 25 June 2018
Dormitory/canteen University dormitory and canteen located 200 m away from the Rectorate building
List of courses taught in English/Russian https://www.uni-svishtov.bg/docs/ECTS_Tsenov_ENG_2014.pdf
4. Academia de Studii Economice din București, România

University Name

Academia de Studii Economice din București, România

University Web Page


Field of Study


Type of mobility

Bachelor/Master (5 months)

Required documents

  1. ID and passport
  2. CV (Europas)
  3. Learning Agreement (filled in with information on the student and the home university, in the section Before the mobility – Table A and signed by the student and the home university (in the section Commitment)
  4. Transcript of records from your home university – bachelor level (original and authorized translation into English)
  5. Proof of registration as a student, issued by your home university, which confirms your level and year of study during the current academic year and the expected date of graduation (original and authorized translation into English/ certificate issued in English)
  6. Language certificate (for the language of instruction of the respective study programme in the host university); internationally recognized certificates will be preferred to those issued by universities or other language centres
  7. Motivation letter (to be filled in online, in the application form)
  8. Declaration stating if the candidate has carried out any Erasmus+ mobility before (if so, please mention the period of the mobility and the host institution)

These documents must be sent in PDF format to your home University (Office for International Relations, Office 604B, Building B) to the following email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Application Procedure

The selected candidates will have to fill in the online application procedure

Eligibility criteria

For Students

  1. Students at the Bachelor (II year)/Master levels
  2. Students at all fields of study
  3. Students with good academic record
  4. Students who are highly motivated

Language Requirements

Exchange students are expected to demonstrate Romanian/English proficiency corresponding to at least B1 level of the Common European Language Framework of Reference.

Selection Process

Students will pass the selection in their home institution and will be further nominated.


October 25, 2017

5. Universite Bretagne Sud, France
University Name Universite Bretagne Sud, France
University Web Page http://www.univ-ubs.fr/fr/index.html
Field of Study Mathematics and Statistics
Type of mobility Bachelor (5 months)
Required documents
  1. ID and passport
  2. CV (Europas)
  3. Learning Agreement (filled in with information on the student and the home university, in the section Before the mobility – Table A and signed by the student and the home university (in the section Commitment)
  4. Transcript of records from your home university – bachelor level (original and authorized translation into English)
  5. Proof of registration as a student, issued by your home university, which confirms your level and year of study during the current academic year and the expected date of graduation (original and authorized translation into English/ certificate issued in English)
  6. Language certificate (French is the language of instruction); internationally recognized certificates will be preferred to those issued by universities or other language centres
  7. Motivation letter (to be filled in online, in the application form)
  8. Declaration stating if the candidate has carried out any Erasmus+ mobility before (if so, please mention the period of the mobility and the host institution)
These documents must be sent in PDF format to your home University (Office for International Relations, Office 604B, Building B) to the following email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Application Procedure The selected candidates will have to fill in the online application procedure
Eligibility criteria For Students
  1. Students at the Bachelor level (II year)
  2. Students at all fields of study
  3. Students with good academic record
  4. Students who are highly motivated
Language Requirements Exchange students are expected to demonstrate French proficiency corresponding to at least B2 level of the Common European Language Framework of Reference.
Selection Process Students will pass the selection in their home institution and will be further nominated.
Deadline October 25, 2017
6. European Humanities University, Vilnius, Lithuania
University Name European Humanities University, Vilnius, Lithuania
University Web Page http://ru.ehu.lt/
Field of Study Political sciences
Type of mobility Bachelor (5 months)
Required documents
  1. ID and passport
  2. CV (Europas)
  3. Learning Agreement (filled in with information on the student and the home university, in the section Before the mobility – Table A and signed by the student and the home university (in the section Commitment)
  4. Transcript of records from your home university – bachelor level (original and authorized translation into English)
  5. Proof of registration as a student, issued by your home university, which confirms your level and year of study during the current academic year and the expected date of graduation (original and authorized translation into English/ certificate issued in English)
  6. Language certificate (Russian and English are the languages of instruction); internationally recognized certificates will be preferred to those issued by universities or other language centres
  7. Motivation letter (to be filled in online, in the application form)
  8. Declaration stating if the candidate has carried out any Erasmus+ mobility before (if so, please mention the period of the mobility and the host institution)
These documents must be sent in PDF format to your home University (Office for International Relations, Office 604B, Building B) to the following email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Application Procedure The selected candidates will have to fill in the online application procedure
Eligibility criteria For Students
  1. Students at the Bachelor level (II year)
  2. Students at all fields of study
  3. Students with good academic record
  4. Students who are highly motivated
Language Requirements Exchange students are expected to demonstrate Russian and English proficiency corresponding to at least B2 level of the Common European Language Framework of Reference.
Selection Process Students will pass the selection in their home institution and will be further nominated.
Deadline October 25, 2017
7. University of Granada, Spain
University Name University of Granada, Spain
University Web Page http://www.ugr.university/
Field of Study Economics
Type of mobility Bachelor UNDERGRADUATE /Master (POSTGRADUATE) (5 months)
Required documents
  1. ID and passport
  2. CV (Europas)
  3. Transcript of records from your home university – Bachelor level (original and authorized translation into English)
  4. Proof of registration as a student, issued by your home university, which confirms your level and year of study during the current academic year and the expected date of graduation (original and authorized translation into English/ certificate issued in English)
  5. Official Spanish language proficiency certificate (MANDATORY). If you are taking the eLADE exam, please upload the proof of registration. http://internacional.ugr.es/pages/politica-linguistica
  6. Motivation letter
  7. Declaration stating if the candidate has carried out any Erasmus+ mobility before (if so, please mention the period of the mobility and the host institution)
  1. ID and passport
  2. CV (Europas)
  3. Official degree certificate.
Transcript of records from your home university (original and authorized translation into English)
  1. Official proof of registration in the master programme at the home university)
  2. Official Spanish language proficiency certificate (MANDATORY). If you are taking the eLADE exam, please upload the proof of registration. http://internacional.ugr.es/pages/politica-linguistica
  3. Motivation letter
  4. Pre-admission letter signed by the UGR coordinator/tutor of the master programme (Template at http://escuelaposgrado.ugr.es/pages/internacional/profesorado/cartas-de-preadmision)
  5. Declaration stating if the candidate has carried out any Erasmus+ mobility before (if so, please mention the period of the mobility and the host institution)
These documents must be sent in PDF format to your home University (Office for International Relations, Office 604B, Building B) to the following email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Application Procedure The selected candidates will have to fill in the online application procedure
Eligibility criteria For Students
  • Students at the Bachelor level (II year)/ Master (I year)
  • Students with good academic record
  • Students who are highly motivated
Language Requirements Official Spanish language proficiency certificate (MANDATORY). If you are taking the eLADE exam, please upload the proof of registration. http://internacional.ugr.es/pages/politica-linguistica
Exchange students are expected to demonstrate Spanish proficiency corresponding to at least B2 level of the Common European Language Framework of Reference.
Selection Process Students will pass the selection in their home institution and will be further nominated.
Deadline October 25, 2017
8. Universitatea "Vasile Alecsandri" din Bacău
University Name Universitatea "Vasile Alecsandri" din Bacău
University Web Page http://www.ub.ro/
Field of Study Informatică economică, Administrarea afacerilor
Type of mobility Bachelor UNDERGRADUATE / Master (POSTGRADUATE) (4,5 months)
Required documents Bachelor:
  1. Copy of passport
  2. CV (Europas)
  3. Transcript of records from your home university – Bachelor level (original and authorized translation into English)
  4. Proof of registration as a student, issued by your home university, which confirms your level and year of study during the current academic year and the expected date of graduation (original and authorized translation into English/ certificate issued in English)
  5. Motivation letter
  6. Declaration stating if the candidate has carried out any Erasmus+ mobility before (if so, please mention the period of the mobility and the host institution)
  1. Copy of passport
  2. CV (Europas)
  3. Official degree certificate.
Transcript of records from your home university (original and authorized translation into English)
  1. Official proof of registration in the master programme at the home university)
  2. Motivation letter
  3. Declaration stating if the candidate has carried out any Erasmus+ mobility before (if so, please mention the period of the mobility and the host institution)
These documents must be sent in PDF format to your home University (Office for International Relations, Office 604B, Building B) to the following email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Application Procedure The selected candidates will have to fill in the online application procedure
Eligibility criteria For Students
  • Students at the Bachelor level (II year)/ Master (I year)
  • Students with good academic record
  • Students who are highly motivated
Language Requirements Romanian (B2), English (B2)
Language proficiency form
Selection Process Students will pass the selection in their home institution and will be further nominated.
Deadline October 30, 2017

NOTĂ: Devin titulari de mobilitate acei studenţi din ierarhia de selecţie până la care ajung fondurile alocate. Ceilalţi studenţi care dețin criteriile de eligibilitate, sunt înscriși în lista de rezervă, având posibilitatea de obţinere a grantului, în aceeaşi ordine a ierarhiei, în cazul unor renunţări/ redistribuiri sau suplimentări de fonduri. Acei candidaţi care nu îndeplinesc respectivele criterii de selecţie, vor fi consideraţi respinşi.

Grantul Erasmus+ acordat este de aproximativ 750euro/lună.

Pentru mai multe detalii, contactați Serviciul Relații Externe, ASEM:
Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel.: (+373 22) 402743
str. G. Bănulescu Bodoni, 59 (et. 6, of. 604).

Succes tuturor candidaților!
Data limită de depunere a dosarelor este 25 octombrie 2017!!!

Erasmus+ este noul program al UE pentru educație, formare, tineret și sport pentru 2014-2020 si reprezinta o continuare a proiectelor Tempus si Erasmus Mundus. Programul, finantat de Comisia Europeana, are drept scop cresterea competentelor si a sanselor de angajare, precum si modernizarea activitatilor ce tin de educatie, formare, tineret si sport. Erasmus+ implica oportunitati pentru studenti, personal, cooperare intre institutii. Pentru cei șapte ani de program este prevazut un buget total de 14,7 miliarde de euro.

In Moldova, Programul este reprezentat oficial de Oficiul National Erasmus+ (NEO), care asista institutiile de invatamant superior interesate si/sau implicate in proiecte si informeaza publicul tinta despre posibilitatile oferite de programul Erasmus+. Oficiul are si misiunea de a monitoriza proiectele in derulare si de a difuza rezultatele celor desfasurate.

Din 2004, de la inceputul Programului in Moldova, pana in 2014, in jur de 850 de studenti si personal didactic din Moldova au beneficiat de mobilitati Erasmus+.

Erasmus+ functioneaza in baza a trei Actiuni-cheie: Mobilitatea persoanelor in scop educational, Cooperare pentru inovare si schimb de bune practici si Sprijin pentru reformarea politicilor. De asemenea, prin intermediul Actiunii Specifice Jean Monnet Programul Erasmus+ promoveaza excelenta in predare si cercetare in domeniul studiilor privind Uniunea Europeană.

Sub Actiunea-cheie 1 - Mobilitatea perosanelor in scop educational - se incurajeaza schimbul de experienta la nivel mondial, in baza unor acorduri interinstitutionale. Organizatiile active in domeniile educatiei, formarii si tineretului vor primi sprijin in cadrul programului Erasmus+ pentru a desfasura proiecte de promovare a diferitelor tipuri de mobilitate.

Actiunea-cheie 2 sprijina parteneriatele strategice in domeniile educatiei, formarii si tineretului,  consolidarea capacitatilor in domeniul invatamantului superior si in domeniul tineretului. Se preconizeaza ca actiunile vor conduce la modernizarea și la consolidarea raspunsului sistemelor de educatie, formare și tineret la principalele provocari ale lumii de azi (ocuparea forței de munca, stabilitatea si cresterea economica, precum si participarea activa la viata democratica).

Actiunea-cheie 3 acopera numeroase alte actiuni in sprijinul reformei politicilor in domeniile educatiei, formarii si tineretului. Sub aceasta Actiune-cheie isi desfasoara activitatea si o echipa nationala de Experti in domeniul Reformelor Invatamantului Superior (HEREs), reprezentanti ai diferitor institutii de invatamant superior.

Actiunea Specifica Jean Monnet vizeaza promovarea dialogului intre mediul academic si factorii de decizie, in special cu scopul de a consolida guvernanta politicilor UE. Studiile privind Uniunea Europeana cuprind studiul Europei in ansamblul sau, cu un accent deosebit pe procesul de integrare europeana.

Agentia pentru Educatie, Audiovizual si Cultura (EACEA) este responsabila de managementul complet al ciclului de viata al proiectelor, de la promovarea programului, analiza cererilor de finantare, monitorizare de teren a proiectelor, pana la diseminarea rezultatele proiectelor si ale programului.

Pentru detalii accesati www.erasmusplus.md si http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/.
Oficiul National Erasmus+
Str. Maria Cebotari, 37, of. 304
MD-2012, Chisinau
Republica Moldova

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