Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova (University)
University engaged for the FUTURE!

In 1998, a joint declaration on harmonization of the European higher education system was signed at Sorbonne by the Ministers for Education of the participating countries, who have affirmed their support to converge the structure of higher education. The diversity of degrees granted by universities is considered an important obstacle in promoting academic mobility.

In 1999, the Ministers for Education of the European countries agreed to make decisions on the entire educational process, identifying the principles of what has ultimately been called “the European Area for Higher Education” (the Bologna Declaration), which along with other documents adopted later, constitute “the Bologna Process”.

Until present, 45 countries adhered to the Bologna Process. The Republic of Moldova has adhered to this Forum at the Bergen Conference, Norway (19-20 May 2005) and would also like to participate in the establishment of this area. Therefore, its higher education system should be adjusted to the European education standards.
The Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova has introduced the following modifications that positively influenced the educational process:

Beginning with the academic year 2005-2006, admission is made in compliance with the new Classified List of Fields and Domains / Specializations and a new cycle-based system of higher education, respectively, cycle I -  Bachelor, lasting 3/4 years, which is equal to 180/240 ECTS, and Cycle II, Master, lasting 1.5/2 years, which is equal to 90/120 ECTS.

Starting with the academic year 2002-2003, ASEM has implemented the European System of Accumulation and Transfer of Credits was implemented institution - wide.
In 2005 the Diploma Supplement is issued to every ASEM graduate, free of charge, in Romanian and English, in order to comply with the European standards.

The self-governing student system, implemented at ASEM, stipulates: a more active involvement of the group leaders in making decisions and organizing the educational process at the group level; election of Faculty Student Councils; election of the ASEM Student Senate.

ASEM has elaborated the Student Guide that is offered to first year students, in order to provide relevant information on the length of study, the curriculum for the field of study chosen, the legislation in force, and services provided by the scientific library of ASEM, etc.

ASEM has also implemented a new system of student knowledge assessment. According to the new evaluation system, the general grade is calculated based on summative components, such as the results of tests taken during the semester, on-going performances, and the final test (examination).

In order to improve the quality of studies, opinion polls are distributed periodically among students, and recently there has been implemented the teaching assessment procedure.

In March 2009, the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova was awarded the certificate enabling the implementation of the quality management system in compliance with the international standards ISO 9001-2008.
In the recent years, ASEM has considerably expanded its cooperation within various international university networks.

Our future objective is to prepare ASEM for external accreditation by the European University Association (EUA), the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) or other accreditation authority.

Constituirea Procesului de la Bologna

Constituirea Procesului de la Bologna

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