Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova (University)
University engaged for the FUTURE!


Assoc. Prof., PhD
Vice-rector for Scientific Research
and International Relations
Member of ASEM Senate
and Chair of Management

Born in 1961 in Barboieni village, Nisporeni district, Moldova. He graduated the State University of Moldova, faculty of "Economy of Trade and Commodities" in 1982. Doctor of Philosophy (1992), Associate Professor (1995), Professor (2003), Associate researcher of Ist grade awarded by the National Institute of Economic Research, Romanian Academy (2004).

Professional development:

1988 - Trade Institute, Kiev, Ukraine, Department "Trade Organisation"
1991 - The Management Academy, Moscow, Russia, the "Mechanisms of Market Economy Functioning"
1992 - ELCEFA Institute, Athens, Greece "Management and Marketing in the Market Economy"
1993 - "Al. I. Cuza "University of Iasi, Romania, " International Marketing "
1995 - University of Nebraska in Omaha, USA, "Business Administration"
2002, 2005 - University "Pierre Mendes", Grenoble, France, "Higher Education Management and Marketing".

Head of the Scientific seminar in the field of "Management and Marketing in modern economy" (2004-2009)

It is the author of approximately 70 scientific, didactic and methodical publications, has been the scientific coordinator of 11 Doctor of Philosophy, participated in various scientific conferences organized by Universities of Moldova, Romania, Ukraine, Belarus, Bulgaria, Russia, Poland and Spain.

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